

Defines a User class.

class layers.identification.user.User(private_key, name, domain, ip, public_info)

Create an User object. This object can be use to create a passive node in the BSMD


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> public = Domain('public', 'default_role')
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> me = User('private_key', 'My Name', public, '123.456.789', account_information)
>>> print(
My name
  • private_key (str) – private key of the user. This is not save in the class is just used to generate a public_key. In other functions the private_key must be used to sign transactions. You can generate private keys with IrohaCrypto.private_key()

  • name (str) – name of the user (lower case)

  • domain (Domain) – domain where the user will live

  • ip (str) – ip of one node hosting the blockchain

  • public_info (json) – public information of the user. If domain is public this field can’t be null


Create a personal account in the BSMD. In the public domain all your public information is automatically populated


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> public = Domain('public', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David', public, '123.456.789', account_information)
>>> user.create_account('private_key')

private_key (str) – The private key of the user

create_domain(domain, private_key)

Creates a domain for personal use. You can create a domain for a particular process, e.g., Federated Learning


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key', 'My Name', 'My domain', '123.456.789', account_information)
>>> user.create_domain(domain, 'private_key')
  • domain (Domain) – domain to be created

  • private_key (str) – key to sign the transaction

get_a_detail(detail_key, private_key)

Consult a detail of the user


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> details = user.get_a_detail('private_key', 'age')
>>> print(details)
  • private_key (str) – key to sign the transaction

  • detail_key (str) – name of the detail to be consulted


solicited details of the user

Return type


get_a_detail_written_by(user, detail_key, private_key)

Consult a detail of the node writen by other node


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> x = { "age": 34, "city": "Mexico" }
>>> account_information_juan = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> juan = User('private_key_juan','Juan',domain, account_information_juan)
>>> details = user.get_a_detail_written_by(juan, 'FederatingParam',  'private_key')
>>> print(details)
  • private_key (str) – key to sign the transaction

  • user (User) – user who write information on your identification

  • detail_key (str) – name of the detail to be consulted


solicited details of the user

Return type



Consult all details of the user in all the domains


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> details = user.get_all_details('private_key')
>>> print(details)

private_key (str) – Key to sign the transaction


solicited details of the user

Return type



“Age”:”35”, “Name”:”Quetzalcoatl”

}, “user@domainB”:{

“Location”:”35.3333535,-45.2141556464”, “Status”:”valid”

}, “user@domainC”:{

“FederatingParam”:”35.242553”, “Loop”:”3”



get_all_details_written_by(user, private_key)

Consult all details writen by some other node


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> x = { "age": 34, "city": "Mexico" }
>>> account_information_juan = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> juan = User('private_key_juan','Juan',domain, account_information_juan)
>>> details = user.get_all_details_written_by(juan, 'private_key')
>>> print(details)
  • private_key (str) – key to sign the transaction

  • user (User) – user who write information on your identification


solicited details of the user

Return type



Get the balance of my account. Use the private key of the user to get his current balance. The function will return a dictionary with the id of the asset, the account id and the balance.


>>> import json
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> user = User('private_key', 'My Name', 'My domain', '123.456.789', account_information)
>>> balance = user.get_balance('private_key')
>>> print(balance)
{asset_id: "fedcoin#federated",
account_id: "generator@federated",
balance: "1000"}

private_key (str) – key to sign the transaction


A a dictionary with the id of the asset, the account id and the balance

Return type


grants_access_set_details_to(user, private_key)

Grant permission to a node to set details on your identification


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> x = { "age": 34, "city": "Mexico" }
>>> account_information_juan = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> juan = User('private_key_juan','Juan',domain, account_information_juan)
>>> user.grants_access_set_details_to(juan, 'private_key')
  • user (User) – User you want to grant permissions to set detail on your behalf

  • private_key (str) – Key to sign the transaction

revoke_access_set_details_to(user, private_key)

Revoke permission to a node to set details on your identification


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> x = { "age": 34, "city": "Mexico" }
>>> account_information_juan = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> juan = User('private_key_juan','Juan',domain, account_information_juan)
>>> user.revoke_access_set_details_to(juan, 'private_key')
  • user (User) – User you want to revoke permissions to set details on your behalf

  • private_key (str) – Key to sign the transaction

set_detail(detail_key, detail_value, private_key)

Set a detail in my account. The details can be stored in JSON format with limit of 4096 characters per detail


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "gender": 30, "address": "123 Tennis" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David', domain, account_information)
>>> user.set_detail('personal information', account_information, 'private_key')
  • detail_key (str) – Name of the detail we want to set

  • detail_value (json) – Value of the detail

  • private_key (str) – Key to sign the transaction

set_detail_to(user, detail_key, detail_value, private_key)

Set a detail to a node. The details can be stored in JSON format with limit of 4096 characters per detail. You must have the permission from the node to set information on his identification


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> x = { "age": 34, "city": "Mexico" }
>>> account_information_juan = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> juan = User('private_key_juan','Juan',domain, account_information_juan)
>>> user.set_detail_to(juan, 'Job', 'Bartender', 'private_key')
  • user (User) – user you want to set the details

  • detail_key (str) – Name of the detail we want to set

  • detail_value (str) – Value of the detail

  • private_key (str) – key to sign the transaction

transfer_assets_to(user, asset_name, quantity, description, private_key)

Transfer assets from one account to another. Both users must be in the same domain.


>>> import json
>>> from utils.administrator import Domain
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> x = { "age": 34, "city": "Mexico" }
>>> account_information_dante = json.dumps(x)
>>> domain = Domain('name', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',domain, account_information)
>>> dante = User('dante_private_key','Dante',domain, account_information_dante)
>>> user.transfer_assets_to(dante, 'coin', '2', 'Shut up and take my money')
  • user (User) – User you want to transfer the assets

  • asset_name (str) – Name of the asset to be transferred

  • quantity (float) – Number of assets we want to transfer

  • description (str) – Small message to the receiver of assets

  • private_key (str) – Key to sign the transaction