
The Iroha module have functions to post transactions in the BSMD and functions to node details manipulation.

The Administrator. module have functions to perform task such as domain, node and peer creation. This module is intended for the maintenance of the BSMD.


Functions to post transactions in the iroha implementation of the BSMD

utils.iroha.get_a_detail_written_by(name, writer, private_key, detail_key, domain, ip)

This function can be use when the User object is no available. Consult a details of the node writen by other node


>>> juan_detail = get_a_detail_written_by('David', 'Juan', 'private key of david', 'detail_key of Juan', 'domain',     'ip')
>>> print(juan_detail)
  • name (str) – Name of the node consulting the information

  • writer (str) – Name of the node who write the detail

  • private_key (str) – Private key of the user

  • detail_key (str) – Name of the detail we want to consult

  • domain (str) – Name of the domain

  • ip (str) – Address for connecting to the BSMD


returns the detail writen by “the writer”

Return type


utils.iroha.set_detail_to_node(sender, receiver, private_key, detail_key, detail_value, domain, ip)

This function can be use when the User object is no available. The sender must have permission to write in the details of the receiver.

In federated learning the details are in JSON format and contains the address (location) where the weight is stored if the weight is small enough it can be embedded to the block if needed)


>>> set_detail_to_node('David', 'Juan', 'private key of david', 'detail key of Juan', 'detail value', 'domain'     'ip')
  • sender (str) – Name of the node sending the information

  • receiver (str) – Name of the node receiving the information

  • private_key (str) – Private key of the user

  • detail_key (str) – Name of the detail we want to set

  • detail_value (str) – Value of the detail

  • domain (str) – Name of the domain

  • ip (str) – address for connecting to the BSMD


A decorator for tracing methods’ begin/end execution points


Defines an Admin of the BSMD. This module also defines the domains

class utils.administrator.Admin(ip)

The administrator object of the BSMD. This object can create assets, add active nodes, add passive nodes and creates de public domain in the BSMD


ip (str) – ip address of one node hosting the Blockchain


>>> Admin('123.456.789')
add_assets_to_user(user, asset, asset_qty)

The admin creates credit for a user. Users can buy credit in the BSMD to pay for services. This functions works in two step:

  1. admin add assets to his own wallet

  2. admin transfers the asset to the user


>>> import json
>>> from layers.identification.user import User
>>> from layers.incentive.asset import Asset
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "Cartagena" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> public = Domain('public', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',public, account_information)
>>> asset = Asset('coin', public, 3)
>>> asset.domain
>>> admin = Admin('123.456.789')
>>> admin.add_assets_to_user(user, asset, 330.2)
  • user (User) – User receiving the assets

  • asset (Asset) – Asset to be transferred

  • asset_qty (float) – Quantity of assets the node buy


Creates an asset


>>> from layers.incentive.asset import Asset
>>> public = Domain('public', 'default_role')
>>> asset = Asset('coin', public, 3)
>>> admin = Admin('123.456.789')
>>> admin.create_asset(asset)

asset (Asset) – Asset to be created


Creates a domain


>>> public = Domain('public', 'default_role')
>>> admin = Admin('123.456.789')
>>> admin.create_domain(public)

domain (Domain) – domain to be created


Creates a personal account in a domain


>>> import json
>>> from layers.identification.user import User
>>> x = { "age": 30, "city": "New York" }
>>> account_information = json.dumps(x)
>>> public = Domain('public', 'default_role')
>>> user = User('private_key','David',public, account_information)
>>> admin = Admin('123.456.789')
>>> admin.create_user_in_iroha(user)

user (User) – a user object

class utils.administrator.Domain(name, default_role)

The domain can be use to run distributed processes. Or to constantly share information of an specific type


>>> Domain('public', 'default_role')
  • name (str) – name of the domain

  • default_role (str) – default role in the domain